Understanding Teenage Girls: What Fathers Need to Know
A common concern often raised by the Dads of Daughters community is ‘How can a dad guide his daughter during this period of confusion, chaos, and change – also known as adolescence - in a way that helps her progress
I’m a Dad and I have a Daughter on the Autism Spectrum
Today Growing Girl looks at how dads can foster positive mental health in girls on the autism spectrum, by being strong male role models who will challenge and push them beyond their comfort zone, and encourage healthy risk taking. With the
Why Girls Really Struggle with Math
Girls are just as strong in math as boys up to age 11 - so what happens after? We've all heard generalizations such as girls are mainly right-brain thinkers – that is, more literal, while boys are left-brain thinkers – more
One is more beautiful in silence
There is a well-known phrase in Spanish that says "One is more beautiful in silence"; its meaning is that to remain silent is more honorable than to give an opinion that wasn't asked for. This sentiment is one Francisco G.